Friday, September 12, 2014

Never Gone For Good

You were here,
Then you were gone.
Why do you still haunt me so?

Life was bountiful,
Dreams were peaceful,
Then you turn things upside down.

Nightmares come,
Tears continue to fall,
Is it ever going to end?

I thought I was passed this,
Thought it was over for good,
How do I end the torture?

Stop disrupting,
Stop interrupting,
Crawl back in the hole you dug...

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Same Ole Song

The days seem ever longer
My heart continues to break
I'm racked with indecision
Fate seems to glower
Laughing at me for even trying
Each turn I take
Someone else seems to suffer
I tried to end the vicious cycle,
Yet it found me, again and again
Sometimes these thoughts interrupt
Singing the same tunes I used to hear
Day after day it's harder to ignore
Can I handle more?

Being Swallowed

The feelings return
Darkness looms
I seek the lining
That which saves
It seems within reach
But forever distant
My mind just wanders
How long til I breach
When giving in, becomes sweet relief.........

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Life's Decisions

Twists and turns have guided me,
Never knowing the direction,
Never sure about the right decisions,
Which were mistakes being made...

This is how I've gone through life,
Now, I wonder, if that's been my problem,
Always ignoring the feelings,
Losing more than I've gained...

Now I've lost even more,
Not sure if I'll ever get it back.

So, how do I change this?
Get it all safe and secure,
To protect my family,
Without losing my sanity?

Do I finally open up, let the truth out??
Or continue to ignore??

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Block

The time has passed,
Simply no words come,
It seems a block,
Only a what?
Which part?
Which time?
Is it good?
Could it be...........

I will wait it out,
Eventually, it will seek me....

Thursday, December 29, 2011

I Protect

They're cute, they're smiley,
They're shy and they're onry,
No matter how they are,
My life will always revolve,
Around these special children.

They can run around and play,
Running and jumping,
Filling the world with so much surprise,
Every day I WILL RISE,
To each of their defenses.

Never can the world hurt,
Never will it take away their hearts,
Letting them grow as children,
Leaving them their innocence,
That is what I protect.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Holidays!

Through the holidays it was clear,
My love was always near.
Family and friends unite,
Bringing JOY through the night!
Our voices heard throughout,
Laughter and stories renowned.
A time to keep close to our hearts,
Memories cherished, never part.
Grateful for this to be here,
For all of us, to be able to share!